Verschlagwortet: Frühe Neuzeit
The temporal context for this case is rendered more intelligible given the influence of the enlightenment and the twin objectives of colonial authorities to reform society by civilizing the population while simultaneously solidifying its Christian morality....
There were some insidious ideas and attitudes that arose almost automatically in discussions of hermaphrodites, and these seem to transcend time and space. Some of these same issues arose from Martina’s case as well. One of...
Ironically, the very visibility of the body could sometimes lead to unusual challenges by colonial authorities. In Nueva Granada in the 1670s the Jesuit Diego Ximenez was caught in the snares of the Inquisition tribunal as...
Cases like that of Martina Parra provide us an opportunity to explore layers of attitudes and thoughts, mentalitées and practices, as different subaltern and dominant groups became involved. By putting the concerns raised by Martina’s sexual...
Renée Soulodre-La France has kindly agreed to have her article ‘What is in a body?’ republished via this blog. It originally appeared online in La Habana Elegante – Revista de literatura y cultura cubana, caribeña, latinoamericana,...
[…] so wurde ich jedoch unter der Wacht streng examinirt / und gleich wie sich die Soldaten an mir vergafften/ also betrachtet ich hingegen ihres Officiers dollen Auffzug / dem ich Red und Antwort geben muste;...
Jede Übersetzung ist Interpretation, das gilt auch für die von Sarah-Maria Schober kürzlich hier im Blog ( zitierte Übersetzung von Felix Platters Bericht zur vermeintlichen Hermaphroditin Anna Jakob Bürgin. Ich trage den lateinischen Text nach, denn...
Im Jahr 1609 erregte im reformierten Basel ein Fall sexuellen Fehlverhaltens Aufsehen: Das Dienstmädchen Anna Bürgin wurde angeklagt, ihre Dienstherrin verführt zu haben – und folglich ein Mann zu sein. Das “Knabenmägdlein”, als das Anna in den Quellen...
If one talks about the sex and gender of people who lived hundreds of years ago (and that’s what I do in this blog), one has to make many assumptions. For once, let us not think...
For centuries, the figure of the hermaphrodite was dominant in learned discourse on bodies between the sexes. At the same time, the terminology of hermaphroditism was used in many other ways, and these uses are likewise...