Eunuchs in pre-modern Islamic Law
Eunuchs in pre-modern Islamic Law Serena Tolino, Zurich University This blogpost is one of two going back to the paper at the Zwischen conference in September 2015. See here for an absctract, and here for the...
Towards a longue durée history of ambiguously sexed bodies. / Auf dem Weg zu einer langen Geschichte geschlechtlich uneindeutiger Körper
Artikel / English / Vorträge / Zwischen-Tagung
von Serena Tolino · Published 22/12/2015 · Last modified 01/10/2016
Eunuchs in pre-modern Islamic Law Serena Tolino, Zurich University This blogpost is one of two going back to the paper at the Zwischen conference in September 2015. See here for an absctract, and here for the...
Artikel / English / Vorträge / Zwischen-Tagung
von Serena Tolino · Published 22/12/2015 · Last modified 01/10/2016
Serena Tolino, Zurich University This blogpost is one of two going back to the paper at the Zwischen conference in September 2015. See here for an abstract, and here for the other blogpost. In...
Abstracts Zwischen2015 / Artikel / English / Mittelalter
von Serena Tolino · Published 04/08/2015 · Last modified 01/10/2016
“Ambiguous Genders” in Classical Islamic Law: the Case of the Eunuch and the Mukhannath Serena Tolino, Zurich University This paper investigates how gender ambiguities, and specifically ambiguous masculinities, were understood in the Islamic Legal discourse.
On Being Dragged into #ReceptioGate
Studierenden-Video “Intersexualität”
On Being Dragged into #ReceptioGate
The blog deals with the history of ambiguously sexed bodies, mainly in the West, from Antiquity to the present. What kind of lives lived ‚hermaphrodites’ (as they were called), how were they perceived and how were they ignored, as it was often the case? The blog presents historical scholarship, methodological issues and primary sources relating to a longue durée history of ambiguously sexed bodies.
Das Blog thematisiert die Geschichte geschlechtlich uneindeutiger Körper, vor allem in Europa, von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Wie lebten „Hermaphroditen“, wie sie lange meist genannt wurden, wie wurden sie wahrgenommen, wie wurden sie (häufig genug) nicht wahrgenommen? Das Blog soll historische Forschung, methodische Fragen und Primärtexte zur Diskussion stellen, die zu einer „langen Geschichte“ uneindeutiger Körper beitragen können.